Wednesday, June 10, 2020

An amble through my garden

My garden is truly feeling like home now. We have a ways to go together but we are getting there. I especially enjoy the plants given to me by dear friends and family. This very cold spring has brought one or two glorious days and this is one. Please enjoy my amble through my garden.

This lady slipper was dug for me by a friend who knew it was on death’s row living beside a road that was being built

It is multiplying.

I first saw these in Thunder Bay and have loved Bunch Berries ever since

Rhododendron occidentale Western Azalea

Rhododendron Crane

Rhododendron Capistrano

White Lights Rhodendron Azalea

For-get-me- not … nor shall I!

Bleeding Heart, Dicentra spectabilis 'Alba'

Viburnum Annabelle