It has been a long time since I have written. Perhaps because I have not found a warm dry knoll to stretch out on to listen to the wind in the trees and smell spring emerging through fallen leaves. It may be that there were no great drifts of snow to capture in this snow-free winter on the Eastern Shore. Perhaps there is no reason at all. It just was.
Today invited Molly and me to go on the prowl with camera in hand. We go out every day to one woodland or beach adventure but this is the first that I have taken my camera.
The mosses and lichens intrigue me and pitcher plants capture me.. But today a Colts Foot launched me full force into spring.
All of these pictures were taken “out my back door” with the exception of the Colts Foot and Pussy Willows that grow across the road.
Welcome back to the Eastern Shore.
Colts Foot ( I think although it seems early)
Pitcher Plant
There are many many kinds of sphagnum as many of you know I think this is Sphagnum Subtile
British Soldiers
Some Alders are flowering
Usnea “Bristlly Beard"
Witch Hazel