Tuesday, April 28, 2015

I expect the call will always be there

You know me well. When I know the Giant Blue Cohosh has yet to green, and its flowers barely seen, when the Wake Robins, Bellwort, Hepaticas, Spring Beauty, are out there in the woods with the Dutchmen’s Breeches running on granite and coursing down ridges I will be there. I have no choice really. It simply has been an imperative in my life for as long as I remember: to be there.
This, however, I expect will be my last spring in the Township of Rideau Lakes. As excruciatingly painful as it was to make the decision, pondered for two years, I have decided to be with my daughter Kate in Nova Scotia. It will take me awhile to sleuth the black spruce there, to learn where the wildflowers run, to know the shorebirds, to “sing the song”, but I shall. I shall cherish the memories I have had here: of dear friends and inspirational teachers and leaders, of great musicians, of beauty forever unfolding.
 If you would like musings from the maritimes I will be happy to send them. Just let me know, for perhaps by August, Alanagh, Molly, and I will be full sail on the eastern shore.

Dutchman’s Breeches

Giant Blue Cohosh

Dog Tooth Violet


Wake Robin about to open


Blood Root

Wild Ginger


Spring Beauty

Trilliums are starting

Sedge is Lovely really