Thursday, April 21, 2016

Knobby Mossy Granite Hills

Spring flowers are blooming  now  amidst the hardwood stands housed in the knobby mossy granite hills we call home. A meeting I was to attend this afternoon  was cancelled and so Molly said loud and clear, “Let’s head for the hills Maggie,” so we did.
 In a week or so the Trilliums  Wake Robins and Solomon’s Seal will be blooming so it will be a whole new stage-set in the theatre that is spring.

Knobby Mossy Granite hills


Dutchman's Breeches

Dog tooth violet



Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Just the buds April 19 2016

Well a scilla  and a hepatica thrown in “cuz" the devil made me do it.
Do not take my labelling as necessarily accurate. I think I am right but if you see an error please let me know. I do this for fun to begin a record of spring.

Mountain ash… for sure




Sumac in foreground with birch

Spider on Rhododendron.. warming in the morning sun. Just lovely



And my all time favourite spring flower: hepatica was open yesterday but not yet today

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Hello Spring!

This is the first spring “shoot" in twelve years without my beloved Alanagh. She died on March 9th and Molly and I make up our minds daily  to find beauty each day knowing that even though Alanagh is not at our side she is with us. It seemed painfully odd doing the “hunt” today without my co-pilot and as it happened we got no shots of Ospreys on nests, Robins claiming territory, Vultures hanging out their wings in the morning sun. We missed those shots because after our early morning garden shots the battery was dead and so was the one in my camera bag! So my Moose Lake Lady Alanagh, batteries are being charged and our next outing will be better. 
Welcome spring!

Scilla opening in the morning sun

Miniature Narcissi



Foreground Scilla and bleeding heart in the back ground pushing up about 2 cm

Honeysuckle leaves growing

Andi’s Lilacs are budding