Saturday, November 19, 2016

Shooting into the sun

This week Molly and I have enjoyed spectacular weather. On our walk to the lock last evening a juvenile loon was curious about who I was so swam quite close to the dock. It was touching to see how it checked me out—diving then emerging closer swimming parallel while watching me, then diving and coming closer again. Of course I did not have my camera so today Molly reminded me and I sat on the dock , back against the canal marker, sun in my face warm wood beneath me and I watched. The lake was blanketed with stillness. The juvenile loons sounded almost like Arctic loons today with their cat like call. They were not curious about me today but none the less it was lovely to see them swimming idly past one another. If I had not been shooting into the sun I may have gotten some better shots but none the less they will serve as a reminder to me of this last ( I think) glorious warm jacket- free November day— November 19 2016