Monday, October 12, 2015


We know that these days, deepened in warmth and colour will yield to the deep ,cold,  starkness of winter. For now though, we are here, in the warmth and beauty of this day. 
Alanagh Molly and I went to the Isthmus today to bask in the sunlight, to feel the play of beauty in us, to be deeply grateful this Thanksgiving Monday 2015
Welcome to you if you would like to join us.


The blackbirds gather

split rail in shade

Corn is being harvested

Apples are ready

The Epaulettes flash

Sunlight as spotlight on a birch

The Redness of it all

Grapes gone but the green prevails

Red punctuates the browns and greens 

At the isthmus

Alanagh swam

 Molly cavorted

beauty prevailed wherever we looked

and saw again

Gentle creatures

and the swish of asters

The sugar shack is hunkered down  only to be busy before the new leaves stand behind it

The beauty of berries just might sum it up