Thursday, June 22, 2017

You know them

You know as I do, those times of contentment so deep, so profound, it would be a travesty to think or to utter a sound Those times when one’s consciousness seems boundless and ones are senses so finely tuned that the sound of birdsong, birds on the wing,  the wind in the trees, waves rolling to shore then sifting through shore-bound stones are one sound, one moment, one essence.
As I walked the dunes at the end of Dyke Rd this morning I was aware that I was in such a place and time. I am not vain enough to think that I could ever capture an essence on film never mind an iPhone but I am resolved to return to that place with my Canon and capture the song sparrows on tall spiked plants, and the meadows of flowers that spread to the sea with my good lenses. For now though I will try to share with you moments in my morning at the end of Dyke Rd.