Friday, September 12, 2014

I know next to nothing about chickens except I eat them. However, they, like any other mother, will hasten their young to safety if they feel need be. It was touching to see a free-range hen herd her chicks from my camera’s eye.  

I know even less about mushrooms and will only eat the ones I find in the market, and Puff Balls, Shaggy Manes, and Morels in the wild. 

The gray sky this morning reminded me of many gray skies I watched while living in a tent one summer on the Tundra: 90 miles west of Inuvik, 5 miles south of the coast. The varied depths of darkened clouds always seemed low, and when those shades of gray hung over the land, they were usually accompanied by a brisk north wind as they were today. Cloudscape and landscape are different matters: on the Tundra birches grow to about 8 cm. high. The fall colours are the same though, as the tussocks and the crevices are swept with red, yellow, purple, and browns, so too, are our hills and low lands.

There were many things today that brought a to me a smile and wonder. I tried to capture the beauty of the mix of red cedar and white cedar but was unsuccessful. Perhaps someday I may learn how to do justice to texture and shades of green. I am just not there yet.

Happy Birthday Emily!

Virginia Creeper and Asters

On Big Rideau Rd.

on Cheetham Rd.

Cheetham Rd.

Big Rideau from Cheetham Rd.

Cheetham Rd.

Cheetham Rd.

Here’s looking at you, kid.