Wednesday, May 27, 2015


They were side by side today:  late spring and early summer. The south wind pushed summer "spring-side" and their show was on! Silver Maple keys twirled about me  blurring in my lens: defying a clear shot of their dervish to ground. 

Dragon flies rested on rose stalks, wings gilded, bronzed, and silvered. They looked at me and I looked at them. l was awed by their beauty and they, in repose, merely returned my gaze.

The Shag Bark Hickory's tendrils sway in bloom as do the Black Locust ’s flowered ringlets.The Black Cherry is going to seed: a scant few white flowers now. Rhododendrons,  allium,  viburnum, phlox are on stage as are a plethora of other performers whose countenance I shall capture another day... perhaps... but the sister seasons perform together rarely, fleeting in the south wind.


Silver Maple Keys

Silver Maple

Black Cherry going to seed

Dragon Fly

Looking at me


Wild Phlox




Shag Bark Hickory Flowers

Bleeding Heart

Pagoda Dogwood

sunset through Black Locust