Thursday, May 1, 2014

The Raising of the Maypole

I began this day on my knees photographing a partridge. When the sun came out this afternoon it seemed like a good idea to go lie down in the woods somewhere to take wild flowers. So for my dear urban friends I send you ribbons from my Maypole.

Usually spring flowers open more or less sequentially but this year due to the cold they all are opening just about the same time. It's as if some wood nymph said “The leaves are coming! The leaves are coming!" Of course the flowers have to get out and do their thing before too shaded: but that is another story. Happy May 1 2014

So lets start with the willows blooming,

The downy Pussy Willows turn into these gorgeous flowers

Along the roadsides  Coltsfoot struts its stuff

Those of you who know me well know that Hepaticas have an almost “mystical” place in my heart, for I used to sing to them when I was a very  little girl. They grew by the stream on our property and I never have forgotten what they gave to me in those tender years.

The shot below is of last year's Hepatica leaf and this year’s emerging. They are so incredibly soft and delicate and turn into the Liver Shaped Leaf which gives the flower its name. Last year’s leaf is now liver coloured too.

Keep your britches on for here are the Dutchman’s Breeches     

Bloodroot was used for dye

Dog's Tooth Violets are lovely, really. 

Trilliums and  Wake Robin opening slowly

Spring Beauty likes grassy knolls in the woods

The Wild Garlic is up though I did not take a picture of it.

Now the end of the tale: Equisetum “Horse's Tail"( ancient and prolific but it has its place in my world)

Forgive me I could not resist “the Horse’s Tail’ perhaps better than to which it is attached

 - Maggie