Thursday, May 7, 2015

Middle Spring

Now I will walk to the lock. I will  close in on the cherry tree then move on, and  laugh as Alanagh deep dives for stones. I will look at the maple leaves pushing into the light and wonder if anyone really looks at the sweep of the Manitoba Maple Flowers, the delicacy hard Maple   bloom. I know the stop logs at the lock will soon be lifted. I know that Middle Spring is rushed to summer as suddenly  as the commotion of red wings rising from cattails. All birds have claimed their territory now and proclaim their  place. 
I will stop at Andi’s and feel the beauty there.  
Welcome  Middle Spring perched  lightly
Fleeting  birdsong.
Ever in my memory. 
I know this because we  have been close a long long time.


Alanagh dives for rocks and gets one

Brings it in

and shakes off the lake..treasure at toe

Manitoba Maple flowers

Maple leaves

Stop logs yet to be removed

Hardwood Maple flowers (I think sugar Maple)

Sumac yet to unfurl

Andi's Garden

Apple Blossom buds

Lilacs soon to show


Grape Hyacinth





Fiddle Head


