Thursday, September 25, 2014

September 25

The mist on the lake was evocative this morning of past falls early morning moments by the lake. In some places the fog hung like a  curtain made gold by the sun. In other places the curtain was thread bare, but in the fields it lay like swaddling, deep swaths, binding the browns with grey.

Today was my second trip with the birders in the area and what a nice group of people they are! Some are truly outstanding and were it not for them I would not have recognized the song of a meadow lark. I saw several but what I thought were larks in the grass turned out to be thistles. I will spare you those shots. 
Going out to my garden now on this heaven sent day.

Ring-billed Gull

Cataraqui Trail

Song sparrow

Maybe starlings: don’t know

Simply fall