Monday, July 14, 2014

As my mother would say

"The gardens are quieter now”. The spring sprint to stardom in the rose bed is over: The winners have made their speeches. Now it is the distance runners that carry us through: Abraham Darby,  Cinco de Mayo, Double Delight. Other parts of the garden have comment, but never as eloquent as the oration of roses.
Day Lilies , Lilies, and Holly Hock bloom now, as  do Clematis, self seeding Pink Carnations, and Red Runner Beans. Ants forage in Clematis flowers  and flies of all description check all blooms. Monarda wears its feathery head dress and makes me think of Inca Kings, but when I savour the Calla’s I think of my dear friend Michelle who loves them so.
These flowers, these moments of joy, shared colour, scent, and moments in the sun.  Leave us too suddenly.

Abraham Darby

Cinco de Mayo

Double Delight

Spider Daylily

Unnamed Yellow Daylily

Unnamed Daylily


Holly Hock



Red Runner Bean

